A real drama took place in third leg: after Andrey Khramov made a mistake, Thierry Gueorgiou, Anders Nordberg and Martin Johansson took the lead together, when the Swedish got an injury: a stick of wood went into his leg. His opponents stopped to help him, soon Michal Smola did the same, so they all gave up their positions
どうもスウェーデンの選手がレース中怪我をして、それをフランス(Thierry Gueorgio)とチェコ(Smola Michal)の選手が助けたという事です。その時それぞれ1位、3位という順位でしたがそれを捨てて救出に当たったと言うことです。(優勝候補なのに!!)
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